So you've ticked your wedding venue search off that long wedding planning list and may be wondering, what’s next? We recommend something a little less stressful and a little more...
So you’ve ticked your wedding venue search off that long wedding planning list and may be wondering, what’s next? We recommend something a little less stressful and a little more musical, and what’s more fun than sampling some live wedding music with your future life partner.
We understand how important your wedding music can be in creating a unique and memorable wedding reception for you, your friends and family. It’s that live band energy that can encourage your guests onto the dancefloor after a large wedding meal, or a beautiful live rendition of a favourite song that becomes your once in a lifetime first dance.
Our list of recommended wedding and special event suppliers have been collated over eleven years of running our tipi business, and we’ll only partner with fun, professional, and reliable wedding musicians. Ranging from Blues to Gypsy Jazz, browse and filter our lists of trusted live bands in the Lake District and Lancashire here.